Friday, August 13, 2010

I am 17 going on...18, what?!?

Chocolate cake. How amazing does this look? Dear inventor of the best thing ever, I love you. Sincerely, a very loving fan.

So on July 19th, I turned 17. How shocking. I honestly can't believe that I am now 17. It's surreal. I can finally see rated R movies without some kind of parental unit. SCORE.

So this lovely cake below is from Wegmans. And yes I did put 17 pink candles on it. It tasted incredible.

Alexa and I seem to always take weird pictures. I love this one though.

Romeo y Julieta. I bought this box in Sedona, Arizona. AND just a little FYI, this box makes an appearance in the movie Twilight. It's on Edward's bookshelf in his room. Yes I know this makes me a huge obsessed fan. And yes I am okay with that. But really, I noticed it the first time I watched the movie.

My vanity is messy, excuse the mess. And the Dr. Pepper.

ME. On my birthday! :)

Shirt (both) and my jeans: American Eagle

Sweater: Target



Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Simple Days

These are my bookshelves that my grandfather very graciously made for me to fit perfectly under my windows. They are about 8 feet long! I love them. I painted them black and my mom freaked out because she doesn't like black and wanted me to paint them cream. But I painted them when she wasn't home. But reading is my second love and my books and clothes are my prized possessions, so its only fitting to have a nice place to put them.
So for my AP art class next year I have to do projects over the summer. So one is to do a self-portrait with an awkward angle, and then another is to do a self-portrait using objects and/or materials that aren't commonly used in painting or drawing. So I haven't decided whether this is a weird angle. Which I'm leaning towards it not being...but I used egg cartons on my hair...its still in progress. I have to paint it still and add more to it. But it's coming along nicely. And my mom said it looked somewhat like me which is what I'm shooting for obviously.

Before the hair.

A random sketch of a model. I think this came out of an old teen vogue. I water colored some of it. But I need to fix it, it looks awful.

Sometimes I like it simple. I love this coral shirt. Its from Forever 21. Jeans from American Eagle and a black sweater from TJ Maxx. It's good to dress simple from time to time. You can't go wrong with classic jeans, tee, and a sweater. Of course I added my wench boots to go with the outfit...but it ended up being warmer than I thought so I put my flip flops on. More posts to come! It is 90 outside I am trying to stay cool.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I just really thought my hair looked cool.
My sunglasses. I never wear them. I like them, but I think my face is too small to pull any type of sunglasses. Never the less, they are still cool. Purchased at Evolution located on The Commons.

One of the best books I have ever read. Seriously Mr. Larsson is a genius. I can't wait to read the next two.

My makeup case.

My wallet that I got at Target.

My new belt!!! I love it! I found it at the Salvation army! Crazy! And it was only 75 cents! I can never pass down a good deal.

My new sweater that I also found at the Salvation Army. It still had tags and its from Volcom! I was so excited. And it actually keeps me warm.
My 17th birthday was Monday, the 19th, and now I can legally see a rated R movie now. Yay! Haha, but I had a fabulous day and I have some pics of the day that I will post soon. I saw Inception and it was so AMAZING!!! My mind was literally blown and I still can't stop thinking about it! Great movie. Go see it. Now.
Enjoying summer. Love. Friends. And Life in general.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


So here is a little secret. My best friend Alexa and I happen to be bored a lot of the time. For some reason her prom dress is at my house, and its been there for quite a while. So occasionally we try our dresses on. And just chill around in them. For no reason. Its actually quite fun. So the other day we decided to take pictures of us, just chilling in our prom dresses.

My dress is from Debs, surprisingly enough. And Alexa bought her dress from somewhere online. I absolutely loved my dress. It was very different from everyone elses. Most girls had skin tight, ill-fitting, blinged up, animal print dresses. They all looked fake with their orange tans and acrylic nails. But never the less, it was a blast and the place was so pretty, the food was good, and dancing crazily with your friends is always fun.

Somewhere on my laptop I have actual prom pictures. But I can't find them. So I will keep looking. I went with my friend David, just as friends. We both didn't want to be dateless. I'll post soon again.



Thursday, July 8, 2010

im back

My oh my! I have not posted since February. That is pitiful. I should get an award for being a bad blogger. I really have no good excuse except saying that I was busy with school. Which I was. But forfeiting my love of fashion and expressing it to focus on school is shameful. Don't get me wrong, school is important and I know its just another stepping stone that will help me in reaching my goals. But most of the time I would rather be doing anything but sit in a classroom and listen to so called grown ups that think they are better than the rest of us just because they have a college degree. But no matter how much I complain or argue about whether school is that beneficial and how it is dangerous to my health, I still have to do it. So for the last bit of school, I sat back and thought about all that needed to be done. And I went ahead with full speed and determination to finish the year well, so that I could enjoy my last summer as a high school student. In September I will be starting my senior year. I can't even believe it. It seems like just yesterday I was in elementary school playing hopscotch and giggling about little kid things with my friends. Now we are all grown up and its scary. We have to decide what colleges we want to go to and then apply by December. Although I can't wait to learn more about fashion and the fundamentals at college, its still terrifying to think about. To study from the best and hopefully get an internship at a magazine or fashion company makes me think that I can make it through the rest of high school. So saying all this still does not validate my hiatus. But I am back to say that I will be enjoying my summer and blogging about all of my adventures regarding life, friends, family, and of course, fashion.

These are just random photos:
Me on the last day of junior year. Thank God.

My duvet cover from Urban Outfitters.

Stems in Vase. I thought it was muy artistico. So I snapped a picture.

This is in my grandmothers parlor. Yes she still has a parlor. I love it. We only congregate there for Christmas, but I think that's why I like the room so much. It has an air of mystery to it. I can imagine young society ladies taking their tea there on a Sunday afternoons during the late 1900s. Like in the Luxe novels. The room has a few pianos in it and some old antiques. It's quite lovely. I am planning a photo shoot there soon!

What to expect for following posts: I went to Prom, and my dress was quite beautiful if I do say so myself. I went to LA. I moved. And I just acquired my grandmas old digital sewing machine. I have lots to tell and more to share. Keep reading!



Friday, February 26, 2010

Here's to the Night :)

So last Saturday was my semi formal (Junior prom) and it was so much fun! We didn't have many pictures of ourselves during the dance except for this one. My dress is from forever 21. I loved it!
Getting ready to leave!
The group from left to right: Tom, Kerri, Me, Monika, Stef, and Trevor.
Ker and eyes are closed, how lovely.
Moni and I.

Stefanie and I.
Me! The camera quality is horrible unfortunately...
Getting ready, I don't like this picture of me....for obvious reasons...but everyone else does because my teeth are showing...I don't smile with my teeth ever...I don't know why.
I love this. Stef curled my hair and it looked really pretty!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Random and Yummy

These were all taken on my mom's old Sony digital camera. One of the first versions of digital cameras. It's so old and crappy...but it occasionally takes good photos. I love this hat! I got it Christmas 2008 from the Bon-Ton, but I haven't worn it since. But I decided to try it on and take some pictures. The lighting in my bathroom was perfect so I used the mirror in there and this is what I got!
My mom took this on Christmas Eve. The coat is a thrifted Ann Taylor and it had major shoulder pads in them. So 80s it was almost scary. But I absolutely love royal blue so I took the pads out and now the jacket has become my favorite!!
I also wanted to share that I made this amazing smoothie the other day. It was soooo good. It was so yummy that I may go make another one right now.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Down the Rabbit Hole...

Hello! It's finally February! Yay! So this post is just a compilation of pictures that I have found in regards to Alice In Wonderland. I love the Disney version of Lewis Carroll's novel and of course the book itself. The imagination and childlike feeling the story gives off, is why I enjoy it so much. This said, I am sure you can infer that I am super STOKED for the newest film version directed by Tim Burton. I love all of his films (especially Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Sweeney Todd). And Johnny Depp plays the Mad Hatter, and that in itself makes me want to see it ten times more! He is an amazing actor and he adds so much to every character. Anyway, Alice In Wonderland is so inspiring to me and I'm working on outfits that go along with this theme. I'm saving up for a Nikon SLR digital camera and after I purchase that I will post more pictures of clothing that I actually wear! Hope everyone has a good week! (PS: I'll try to post again at the end of the week! I'm working on my dream wedding...)



Monday, January 25, 2010


Long time no post. I have been super busy with school. Tomorrow I have an honors trig/algebra 2 midterm plus and English Regents where I have to write 2 essays in three hours. Then on wednesday I have to write 2 more essays in 3 hours. Im not too worried about the English one but I hate MATH and I am super scared that I am going to fail. But here are some sketchbooks that I have done for my advanced drawing and painting class: