Monday, January 25, 2010


Long time no post. I have been super busy with school. Tomorrow I have an honors trig/algebra 2 midterm plus and English Regents where I have to write 2 essays in three hours. Then on wednesday I have to write 2 more essays in 3 hours. Im not too worried about the English one but I hate MATH and I am super scared that I am going to fail. But here are some sketchbooks that I have done for my advanced drawing and painting class:

Friday, January 8, 2010

I Remember.

This was taken by one of those "Old Time Photo" places in Sedona, of my FAVORITE places on earth. I love it so much that I've looked at colleges there. Plus Arizona and California make my hair look amazing.
Me in Tybee Island, Georgia. Love that place too. The beach air makes my hair amazing also.
These are just old photos from 2009...trying to remember the good parts. I was just looking through all my pictures and got inspired to share. Just a warning...these were taken before I realized fashion was important to me.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dear Winter

Dear Winter,
I am very sorry that we can not continue our relationship. This time it's not me. It's you. It was fun at times, but I think I like my body parts attached...not frozen on the ground. Although you do lay a great basis for layering clothes, wearing fuzzy boots, and I really do love my new jacket...I just can't handle it. I hope you will understand. I wish I could say it's not personal, but it is. I just miss wearing my sandals and sundresses. I guess I will be seeing you again at some point, and I apologize ahead of time for not being more enthused to see you.

The first photo was taken by my mother at our local Barnes and Noble. The last two were taken by my cousin/bestie Kaitlin (with her Nikon D60).
Jeans: American Eagle
Pink Sweater: Old Navy
Boots: Target (for $6!!!)
Shirt: American Eagle
Coat: Tjmaxx (not sure what the brand is)
ps. its cold outside x_x

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's a New Year

:))) I got this for Christmas!!! I was so excited! I love love love it! While reading it I am finding that I may want to be an editor since books and reading are my other passions besides fashion...
I bought these shoes at the salvation army. They were 7 dollars! I was so excited...I'm most likely going to wear them to prom or semi. I haven't bought dresses yet so I'm not sure what one Ill wear them too. I think Ill probably wear them to semi because I usually wear a shorter dress...and these would look fab with a cute, mid-thigh, fluffy dress....I'm thinking black or deep purple. Ill update at some point, proms not till May and I think semi is in February.

My best friend Alexa bought these winter work boots at a local store called Homer Men and Boys. They look better in the snow...with gloves and boots. Definitely made for a certain kind of girl. She usually wears some vintage cowboy boots...but they have no traction so she bought these.
I first had this black sweater on...then I put on the yellow polka dotted one, and it looked way cuter.

I haven't the time! I have been extremely busy lately with school, work, and the holidays. Unfortunately this means that I have no time to write in my blog. But just now I decided that I would rather blog than do a humongous pile of homework that's do tomorrow. It's a new year and that means its time to be a whole new me. And blogging at least three times a week will be one of my new years resolution. I am also going to devote myself to everything I; FASHION. And on those days that I just want to wear jeans, a baggy sweatshirt, and throw my hair in a ponytail...I am going to say to myself "That's not me. Not anymore" I mean some days you have to wear comfy clothes...but that does not mean you can't be fashionable about it.
So I bought myself a Nikon Cool pix S70 (That's the touchscreen one). I have to admit that it isn't what i thought it was going to be. I keep playing around with it and i can't seem to get the right settings. So I'm going to return it and get an SLR camera because that's what I really want. And that is also part of my resolutions. To do what I want. I'm also going to acquire a boyfriend, but that's neither here nor there :) Above are some "OK" pictures I've taken with my camera. I had to weed out a bunch of horrible ones to find the good ones. Hope you all had a good holiday and new year!!!
xoxo Heidi