Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How cute are these boots?

I absolutely love the new gap commercials. They encompass the holiday joy and spirit that we all look for. From a director's viewpoint they are really well organized and thought out. The commercials make me want to shop at Gap. Badly. The scarves look extra cozy which is essential to any outfit here in the bitter weather. We actually had a two hour delay today because of the snow and ice. Anyway, just wanted to share these. They make me smile and I hope they will make you as well.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Go Warmth

It snowed today! It's exciting only because it means Christmas is on its way. I can't get in the holiday spirit without those fluffy, white flakes falling down outside. Snow is magical and fun. Until February. After that its annoying and slushy and crappy.
Anyway here are some wintry photos for this season that is upon us. Scarves, gloves, hats, and boots are must haves! And they keep you warm too :))
I absolutely LOVE this commercial. It makes me want to shop at Gap. Love Love Love it!!!