Thursday, July 8, 2010

im back

My oh my! I have not posted since February. That is pitiful. I should get an award for being a bad blogger. I really have no good excuse except saying that I was busy with school. Which I was. But forfeiting my love of fashion and expressing it to focus on school is shameful. Don't get me wrong, school is important and I know its just another stepping stone that will help me in reaching my goals. But most of the time I would rather be doing anything but sit in a classroom and listen to so called grown ups that think they are better than the rest of us just because they have a college degree. But no matter how much I complain or argue about whether school is that beneficial and how it is dangerous to my health, I still have to do it. So for the last bit of school, I sat back and thought about all that needed to be done. And I went ahead with full speed and determination to finish the year well, so that I could enjoy my last summer as a high school student. In September I will be starting my senior year. I can't even believe it. It seems like just yesterday I was in elementary school playing hopscotch and giggling about little kid things with my friends. Now we are all grown up and its scary. We have to decide what colleges we want to go to and then apply by December. Although I can't wait to learn more about fashion and the fundamentals at college, its still terrifying to think about. To study from the best and hopefully get an internship at a magazine or fashion company makes me think that I can make it through the rest of high school. So saying all this still does not validate my hiatus. But I am back to say that I will be enjoying my summer and blogging about all of my adventures regarding life, friends, family, and of course, fashion.

These are just random photos:
Me on the last day of junior year. Thank God.

My duvet cover from Urban Outfitters.

Stems in Vase. I thought it was muy artistico. So I snapped a picture.

This is in my grandmothers parlor. Yes she still has a parlor. I love it. We only congregate there for Christmas, but I think that's why I like the room so much. It has an air of mystery to it. I can imagine young society ladies taking their tea there on a Sunday afternoons during the late 1900s. Like in the Luxe novels. The room has a few pianos in it and some old antiques. It's quite lovely. I am planning a photo shoot there soon!

What to expect for following posts: I went to Prom, and my dress was quite beautiful if I do say so myself. I went to LA. I moved. And I just acquired my grandmas old digital sewing machine. I have lots to tell and more to share. Keep reading!



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